Monday, May 11, 2009

Stay sharp with Jackfruit

Jackfruits are a good source for potassium, which helps in regulating the blood pressure. It is also used in the prevention and treatment of many cardio-vascular diseases. Jackfruits also contain nutrients such as saponins, lignans and isoflavones, which are used in the treatment of anti-aging creams. Jackfruits are useful in the remedy of various skin diseases, and also help in curing asthma. Extracts of this big fruit is also used to cure diarrhea and viral fever. Jackfruit is a good provider of carbohydrates and proteins, and can be a good source of energy.

Stay sharp with Cranberry

Cranberries are acidic in nature and high in the content of Vitamin C, which helps in fighting various kinds of infections. It contains a chemical known as tannins, which combined with its antioxidant properties, can provide with an anti-inflammatory effect. This is done by improving the overall blood circulation in our bodies. Cranberries are an excellent source for treating urinary tract infection. Most researchers have also found out that any gum related problems and even ulcers can be prevented and cured with the regular consumption of cranberries.

Stay sharp with Mangoes

Mango is without any doubt, the king of all fruits. Though this title is obtained because of its beauty and sweetness, it does have a considerable amount of medicinal and nutritional properties. Mangoes provide a cooling effect to our stomachs and can be used in the treatment of acidity. Mangoes contain various enzymes that help in poor digestion. Mangoes are rich in their fibre content and provide a laxative effect, thus helping people who suffer from constipation. Fiber can also help in fighting heart related diseases that degenerate our immune system.

Stay sharp with Watermelons

Watermelons contain a rich source of Vitamin B, which is responsible for providing energy to our body. They are rich in water contents and provide a cooling effect to our body during the summer heat. It is highly recommended to consume this fruit during summer. It is a fruit which is easy to digest and thus can be consumed an hour prior to exercise. This will provide you with ample of energy and hydration for your body. Watermelons also contain potassium and magnesium, which helps in fighting cancer and cardio vascular diseases.

Stay sharp with Strawberries

Strawberries are sweet and appeal to our senses in the form of an aphrodisiac. This fruit is rich in its antioxidant properties and similar to dark grapes, are beneficial in the prevention of heart diseases. They considerably reduce the inflammation in the blood vessels and also reduce the cholesterol levels in our blood stream. A healthy heart also benefits towards a healthy brain, as the brain cells get nourishment through the blood travelling from our hearts. Strawberries also contain nutrients that prevent the impairment of the function of many brain activities. Consume a bowl of this fruit daily to live younger and healthier.

Stay sharp with Melons

Melons provide a soothing and cooling effect and are great to eat in the summer. They are high on water contents and contain ample sugar to provide us with energy and nourishment. Besides sugar and water, melons contain a small dose of fibre, which can be helpful in lowering your cholesterol level. As melons cool your body, they can be consumed to tackle acidity. People suffering from constipation can also benefit from melon juice. Melon juice can be used as a diuretic and is helpful in the treatment of various kidney diseases. It is also useful in the treatment of eczema.

Stay sharp with Plums

Plums are a good source of some rare nutrients such as neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid. These nutrients are essential in the prevention of tackling destructive oxygen chemicals called superoxides, which degenerate our immune system. The superoxides also damage our good cholesterol and fat cells, which provide energy to us. Plums are also a good source of Vitamin C and fibre. But it is unique in its contents of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are pigments that protect our vision. According to research, eating plums on a daily basis can lower the risk of macular dengenration, which is an age related disease that causes the loss of vision in adults.